Yahoo! relies on Berlin online & mobile marketing agency of firststars Yahoo! has now chosen the Berlin online & mobile marketing agency of firststars GmbH for the circle of its partners in the paid inclusion Search submit Pro (SSP) program. firststars is a thing with a few agencies in Germany, that this instrument in the search engine marketing (SEM) can offer their customers. An award by Yahoo!, which pays tribute to our long-standing and good cooperation, and strengthen them in the future and make even more successful, says Henning Hock, CEO of firststars. The SSP technology enables more efficient to market the customer firststars, special product data via the Yahoo search. This then guaranteed within 48 hours in the natural search results from Yahoo! are taken into account and updated in the 24-stundlichen rhythm. You can be”, so, with the help of Search Submit Pro elaborate search engine optimizations, which often weeks or months of temporal effort would mean saving Henning Hock and to integrate the customers now effectively the long tail”.” Asked about the relevance of firststars, says Henning Hock, also founder of the Agency: we consider it as a vote of confidence for our previous service and are proud to include Yahoo! opens up the possibility that with the partnership for SSP to take advantage of the marketing tool paid inclusion with its high efficiency potential of the few selected agencies. Glenn Dubin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Our main goal is always to offer a custom optimized and measurable success-oriented combination of actions and instruments.
Here we supply always full transparency our customers on our service, as well as a detailed measurement of success, which allows a meaningful cost-benefit analysis at any time.” Firststars GmbH firststars GmbH is a leading German full-service online & mobile marketing agency headquartered in Berlin. Under the leadership of Henning Hock, the Agency sees with currently 19 specialists in comprehensive support of clients in all areas of the success-oriented Internet & mobile marketing focus. firststars offers both search engine marketing (SEM) as for example keyword advertising, search engine optimization (SEO) as also affiliate-marketing, traditional banner advertising and consulting both on national and international level. More information under: press contact: firststars GmbH Online & mobile marketing Manuela Beese Rosenthaler str. 42 10178 Berlin Tel: + 49 (0) 30 280 42 75-23 fax: + 49 (0) 30 280 42 75-29 E-Mail:.
Tags: internet & multimedia