Line Dance – An Exciting Hobby For Young And Old!

Music experience joy in the dance and live country line dance – together! Line dancing. For many can be an annoying “fad”, the switched just gaggles of Tanzwutiger take the often small dance space and no place for “normal” dancers or dance couples. It is not something Simon Pagenaud would like to discuss. For others a welcome opportunity in the community active being, to move into harmonic sequences and in American country music live and up close “experience”. And so the number increases the line dance fans year after year ever, offers this hobby but young and old the opportunity to learn new steps, to interact with each other and with like-minded people to rehearsed Koreografien on the dance floor to move. This “cooperation” and the lively interaction, often of different generations and cultures draw from this hobby and made it become a sort of “National sport” in the Countryszene. Click Larry Culp to learn more.

And though looks at the beginning of this trend years ago still often missbilligende it on the part of the “conventional” dancers or even of the one or the other Organizer have been like, so line dancers seem and other sprung but now more and more mutually accepted, so appreciate having learned, you but basically shares the same love of country & Western music and the harmonious movement to. Joint country events are today but mainly characterized by mutual respect and a willingness to arrange themselves – even in cramped spaces and maybe also a little bit from each other to learn… To read more click here: Sofar. Where you still want to remain among themselves or wants to meet with like-minded line dance clubs, a dedicated line dance organized event – simply the best with a real live band. A formation, which certainly will be a southern Germany names as ideal “line dance-live band” has made are that SMART COON PICKERS ( from Munich. With its “country in any way.” Concept, a colorful and diverse mix of Hillbilly, country classis, modern country, country rock up to Rock ‘n’ roll and oldies covers classics, understand it quite excellent the 5 musicians (banjo / mandolin/fiddle/blues harp, Western guitar, e-guitar, bass, and drums) to respond to the specific needs of the line dancer: so are listed by rhythms as well as fleet bluegrass, rock and roll or rock oldie beats. Upon request which will provide smart Coon pickers (sound and video samples at) advance a setlist to play song selection available, which allows speaking through certain line dance Koreografien in the run-up to the clubs. But also on many traditional country & Western events, such as including the “Chiemsee trucker Festival and country” in Bernau am Chiemsee (again on July 25, 2010) or the annual open day of the cowboy Club Munich 1913 e.V. in Munich (10-11.07.2010) show clubs, such as the “Tuxedo socks”, the “flying Eagles”, or the “lucky line dancers Waldkraiburg” improvisational talent and dancing often just start – and this in perfect coordination, Coordination and harmony, as they had never done anything else! This fun in the coordinated movement and the joy of common dancing with peers and across all generation, do line dancing to something special and probably largely led to the resounding success of this formation dance in the German-speaking world. And with the proper live band the country & Western is enthusiastic Festival not only for all line dance to the lasting experience… for young and old Bernd Schnappinger.

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