Liber Abaci

This situation another Empire takes the reins of the mathematical advances. The Arabs, who at that time lived a moment of expansion, not only territorial but intellectual, soon manage to decipher more knowledge of this subject. The history of mathematics in the Arab peoples begins from the 8th century. Trying the Muslim empire was the first to begin this development, to translate all Greek texts into Arabic. By what they believe lots of schools of great importance, where books are translated as the Brahmagupta, in which explained in detail the Indian numbering system, system which was then known as the of Al – Khowarazmi, than by linguistic deformations ended as algorithm. The progress achieved in this era, framed to the concept of the limit, the introduction of the numbers rational and irrational, especially the positive reals, and development of trigonometry, where were constructed trigonometric tables of high accuracy.

The next important era in the history of mathematics this understood at the time of the Renaissance. At this point in the story is when it appears the Near East as a connoisseur of mathematics. Although the history of mathematics in the Middle East, is not as old as in the far East, its contribution is of great magnitude, especially with the emergence of large quantity of works written by great mathematicians of the time. It is to highlight the work of Leonardo de Pissa, entitled Liber Abaci, where explained in a clear way the use of the abacus and the positional numbering system. Also other important works include the practice Geometrie, where geometry problems, were solved especially the of calculation of areas of polygons. I hope I helped, I recommend continue investigating these issues to achieve a greater degree of beginners. I say goodbye and wish you the best. Original author and source of the article.

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