Jessica Biel

The actress made a clear indication of this was probably a hint, hint, what Jessiva Biel in the latest Harper’s Bazaar soft-pedaling. Although her current Boyfriend Justin Timberlake insists that is not planning anything in the room, Jessica has been now a bit more clearly. She said in the interview that it would very welcome to start a family or / and to marry. “It would be obviously great to sign the papers, but I never was a guy who had to have everything”, so the 26-year old actress. “But the idea with someone together to be forever, which is even your soul mate, sounds quite”Groovy.”” On the subject of children and mother-she says that if she should have children, that she will then find “a balance between work and family”. “Why can’t I have both? Why can’t I have everything?”…fragte Jessica Biel at the end of the interview. Well Justin, then quickly get up to the jeweler.

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