Winner of the German championship was soft from Krones AG Dr. Thomas Nowey mikado and organizer of the Berlin Championships were the Fachhochschule Hannover, 04.11.2011 – Dr. Thomas Nowey has won the first German IT security Championship from Krones AG. The skills competition was conducted soft by the mikado gmbh with the scientific support of Prof. Josef by heroes of the Fachhochschule Hannover. In the final of the five best from a total of more than 200 participants reached Dr. Jorg Gerschutz in the field of network and communications at Siemens IT solution and Services GmbH ranked second, followed by Marek Kreul by Lufthansa Systems AG. If you would like to know more then you should visit Charlotte Hornets.
The other places were taken by Volker Bosseler (generali Germany informatics services) and Nina Schollhammer (Deutsche Bank). The IT security experts of the finale had prevailed in the four previous rounds of this competence contest organised for the first time in Germany. For the first time experts in the field of security could make a direct technical comparison and among themselves determine the elite”, Judge Wolfgang Durr, CEO of the mikado soft gmbh, the benefits of this competition. So far such direct performance comparisons for practitioners lacked, to appreciate one’s own skills.” This new possibility of professional competition the company beyond borders was also the decisive motive matching according to the finalists for their participation in the first German Championships in this discipline. They also praised the advanced level and the high practical relevance of the questions in the competition. More about mikado soft which German mikado soft gmbh specialises in the development, maintenance and specialized in the distribution of the network security solutions. The own developed, manufacturer independent and modular NAC software macmon protects the LAN from unauthorized, non-secure devices and internal attacks. Mikado soft is the youngest member of the mikado group led by the mikado, AG.
Founded in 1983 in Berlin, which is specialized in mikado ag as a consulting and service company the Availability of IT processes in companies to make sure. The mikado Group employs about 50 people in Germany. Companies in different sectors will benefit from the security services and products throughout Europe. The customer base including ministries, Volkswagen, Muller include milk, total, ZF, SWR, Vivantes, KfW credit Institute for reconstruction, Sparkassen and Volksbanken. Headquarters of the mikado soft gmbh is Berlin. Mikado is a member of BITKOM, SIBB and the trusted computing group. Think factory groupcom gmbh Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat str.
Tags: hardware & software, it