The presented article however aims at to enaltecer the religious, historical aspects, sociocultural architectural and of the first Franciscano Convent of Brazil, situated in the High City – Historical Small farm, more necessarily in the slope of San Francisco, n 280, quarter of the Carmo? Olinda/Pernambuco. The joint architectural in question is one of the patrimonies most significant, with great participation in the formation of the pernambucana society. The establishment of the Franciscana Order is registered there, in Brazil, demarcated for the presence of the Franciscana Order in the Village of Olinda, at the time capital of the State of Pernambuco. Such subject promotes the rescue and the reinforcement of the values that aliceraram the society of that time, since way evidencing the taming and aguerrido spirit of the authentic pernambucano. Ademais, is of great value, this contextualizao by means of the o detailing of the gorgeous construction. The primitive dating of the Convent is of the end of century XVI, today, assevera to be one of the units uneven of the franciscanas constructions that if had spread for the world. The joint architectural is inserted in a space of privileged ambincia that instigates the search for knowing it and glimpsing it.
It is noticed that throughout the time it kept and it protected some original traces, contributing for one faithful retraction of the episodes that had occurred there. It must be detached that the Convent of San Francisco possesss the biggest number of works of art for square meter as, for example, artistic panels in tiles, movable, images and other elements in profusion, of the end of century XVI, and also of centuries XVII and XVIII. The paper of contribuidor agent in spreading is understood in this research such attractive one as option for the cultural tourism, as well as the possibility to extend its insertion in the suggested scripts.
Tags: society and culture