Curricular Matrix

The urban and industrial society is if developing with great intensity. In the current days, atrelada vision of growth becomes indispensable the support principles. To be worried about support is to think about methods to generate changes that do not degrade the social environment and ways. For Bermam (2002), the alternative sources are half viable for the energy problems of the world, since they are economically passable. One of the main sources proceeding from alternative methods is the biocombustveis, that generate energy, producing work. Had to the goods that this type of fuel promotes, necessity becomes to bring this subject for the educational environment.

Leading in consideration that the professor is a formador of opinions, it the same fits to explanar the contents that are involved with the half socioeconmico in which the pupil is inserted. This initiative contributes for the formation of critical and operating citizens in the society. The thematic biocombustvel is explanada of form extremely sucinta in classroom and the benefits of the implantation of this type of energy finish for passing disregarded in the learning learning, therefore it consists in an ample subject that can involve, easily, relative quarrels to geography, history, economy, politics, chemistry, among others. Ken Kao shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In this way, the professor can work the social reality, through the contextualizao of the contents, carrying through a work to interdisciplinar. Brazil is one of the countries that potential greater presents to lead the manufacture of bioenergia in the world. The great congregated territorial area to expressive the adjusted geoclimticas categories attributes to the country benefits. As Werneck (2009) the biocombustvel can be produced from sources renewed as the sugar sugar cane, the maize, the rice, the wheat and oleaginosas in general, consisting a much less pollutant power plant that the fsseis fuels currently used, proceeding from the oil and its derivados.3 In accordance with Doti & War (2008) the biocombustveis are part of implanted public politics in the society, if treating to a government project that says daily respect to the current one, as form to deal with a capitalist, industrial and urban society as Brazil.


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