The Line

It consults to the pertaining to school descriptions? these are made in consultation of fiches of accompaniment and pertaining to school of the life of the pupil. Comment? comment of the behavior of the attitude since the first days of the pupil. Questionnaires – with direct and objective questions. Exercise or simulation? to identify colleagues of the relationship of the pupil who interact better it. (these can be made with written activities or verbal that allows the pupil to express which it likes to seat in the classroom close, to play in the recreation with this coleguinha or to take a walk).

Avaliao of knowledge, this elaborated by the professor. It will be able to use to advantage from these activities to involve the family in the school with manuscript and execution of the research instruments, is used of procedures in the verification of behavior of educating using games of rules, photos of its family and that it has the development of it in this. In the photos it can observe in these the familiar culture and to the times until the religion. It is pertinent to place the child in accordance with to observe and to describe the line of time of its life, placing the photos of increasing form its growth. It can still give varies figures and to ask for to handle engravings and to count to estria of these engravings, instigating the solar a creativity, also to analyze the reading that it makes of the figure and the concatenation of the ideas. Remembering that all or any developed activity must respect the etria band of the pupil. Each explicit activity an objective and will have to display for educating or for the parents what it intends with each activity that is developing, so that the parents or the child when it understands can exactly understand of superficial form the situation.


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