How should they settle their differences? They propose to transform the world to be more creative, intelligent and dialoguing, not involving face each other, for example, in the case of Mexico and indeed also in other countries around the world will have a big problem with politicians, because are devoted largely to confront people, put one group against another, so you need a reality political action, in agreements on dialogue rather than fight or defeat of one another.
He also says that all this can be tested in small communities holistic and believes this can go forward in learning communities. In response, after several examples, Miller says that if we trust in the spirit of the time, current awareness, and if this really is changing then yes, the central society generally follow us without having to get involved in violence, conflict or confrontations, but I do not know is the truth, I do not know, has never happened and in the history of humanity, and if something would happen this time again. Marc Lasry is full of insight into the issues. Responding to Dr. Gallegos stressed and said that in Mexico one of the characteristics of the holistic movement is a great interaction with society that is inclusive, is not formed by the upper or middle class, who has tried to be an alternative for all human groups, rich, poor, urban, rural, academic, business, political, indigenous, elderly, children, etc. As a place of harmony for all through dialogue we find what unites us and form a common-unity, as the International Holistic Foundation, which has tried to make the holistic education community in Mexico embrace all human beings without discrimination of any kind. Marc Lasry wanted to know more.