For in such a way, if it appealed to the available materials in in charge institutions of its efetivao, – State Secretariat for Subjects of the Pantry it World of the FIFA Brazil 2014 (SECOPA), Office of the Pantry it Mundo (ECOPA), Secretariat of Turismo (SETUR), Company of Tourism of Bahia S/A (BAHIATURSA), Salvador Company Tourism (SALTUR) -, beyond consultations the periodic ones, as reviewed and periodicals that reports to the carried through pantries already and to that one to be promoted in 1914. How much to the management of people if it verified that, until the gift, they had only been composed commissions you specify, as much in the scope state, how much municipal, who not yet make use of staff to give concrete information. Considering this fact, if made a proposal of consultoria in hypothetical management of people, come back toward the tourism, inside of the historical context of the accomplishments of events of the sort of the Pantry of the World. Words key: Management of people, Tourism, Pantry of the World of 2014, Salvador. Introduction: Pantries of the World the Pantry of the World is an event that mobilizes great part of the population of some countries. It was idealized by a Frenchman, Jules Rimet, in 1904, in the same year of the creation of the Federation International of Football Association (FIFA), whose function would be to organize and to fiscalize the games of soccer in international terms. National, the sport is supervised by the Brazilian Confederation of Futebol (CBF) and each State is represented by its respective federacy.
Tags: society and culture