Remember that in his preview, Star Trek came to 4 million dollars, during the Thursday May 6, 2009, the film reached 7 million fundraising, climbing on Friday to 33 million! Despite these strong figures, did not overcome to X-Men origins: Wolverine, which remained as the best opening of the year so far, with 85 million dollars raised the weekend (May 8 to 10 2009) (Avatar turned out to be the owner of the ticket office 2009). With the relaunch of a saga, the first movie has to be about the origin. But for the second, you have tremendous opportunities to explore amazing and exciting things. We will be ambitious about what we will do, said Kurtzman (writer of the current film of the franchise). The producer plans are that the script is ready and so begin filming in early 2010 to ensure the continuation of Star Trek in theaters in the summer of 2011. With the review and rewrite of the screenplay by the co-creator of Lost and collaborator J.J.
Abrams, Damon Lindelof this movie is compared to one of the movies most blockbuster of history: The Dark Knight (2008). Although it is too early to talk about an argument, the string E! Entertainment approached Lindelof to have comments on progress: we are looking for a film like The Dark Knight, which was a step forward to Batman Begins. It was really about something and, at the same time, a superhero movie. We don’t want to give up all the things that made the first film (the origin of the story) work because it has been fun and emotional, but we also want to make the sequel thematically resonant. It may be that Damon Lindelof is sincere with the objective that you want to reach production, the origin of a history of science fiction with solid argument and transcendental themes. If you can go beyond with this sequel, the franchise could win more adherents; exit formula is the key to arrive at the current hearing. But mention to The Dark Knight and, indirectly, to Christopher Nolan? Point, we became clear though do not think necessary comparison; now everyone wants to be Nolan or gain some attention with his name.