Throughout the period of existence of the man the true reason has looked for of existing of the same, we have studied the words of great thinkers who marked difference within their time and extended through the centuries; always looking for a meaning than it is and to which he can aspire at the moment concentrating all these knowledge in a well-known study like Philosophical Anthropology. But that is what it means this game to us of words; we can synthesize it in several qualities that they are marked in all the studies of the same. As to first it marks us point of general way that is a being who owns an immortal soul and a rational faculty being these the angular stones of the being, this requires growth and development to obtain a total state, comments that this being is an incomplete work and that this potentialised which we can affirm since with the process whom we know as life the same is developing situations like experiences, morality, feelings, values, bring back to consciousness and use of the freedom to be able to choose its image like individual. Please visit Gary Katcher if you seek more information. Within the experiences we can to locate to an important factor as it is it the knowledge, which this marks to the reference of still more important knowledge and the learning capacity to us that it has within its person, can appear by means of daily situations or by means of the study but all they are situations who ties to us with the development of the thought, or what we can call intelligence, which in first point has been a key factor for the evolutionary process, taking this like the growth of the individual, the formation of the character and the sense of humanisation that have managed to differentiate the times that have marked the existence. Therefore this quality of intelligence allows to respond us to the realities that we are confronting and to rationalize the stimuli that as to be alive they appear to us. . Director James Cameron can provide more clarity in the matter.
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