Petitonen and excerpts from the works of F. flower petition so, I think you need a basic consensus, which has ethical nature… for Europe Policy must be social, so ethically, it must be fair… The law of the inviolability of human dignity, in favour of the life and the dignity of each individual. Do justice to only this dignity, when everyone can life has any capital, the capital must be distributed throughout the world, although slight differences remain, every one of his dignity has the right to similar capital, basically because each work requires effort, am I road workers and managers, both must be equally recognized and be rewarded… Patients must be supplied. You must sue worldwide, so also Europe-wide taxes of which, who in the ubfluss and life, not even aware… it’s presumptuous, so unconscionable some I call that one promotes every life and gives cash injections alone for the life of the individual and of all for the common good…
This project is creating peace with himself and with then there will be more also no terrorism and war all other States or continents, because if one meets the dignity of all, you need not invest in security, but alone in progress… So it saves in the end and achieved much more, I urge and do hereby petition. Control of financial markets. Also the killing of life (pill, abortion, research with embryonic stem cells killing of embryos) is incorrect, you can reach everything with adult stem cells, because everyone has the right to life and to eternal life in principle. It says even the wisdom of Christ! However, if the economy of social market economy becomes, then there is the danger that all kolobiert and no ecological balance is more in the world, it leads to a shift, so quite poor and rich, this can’t happen, that’s why the world and Europe, money of which must ask that in abundance have to encourage every lives and can give each age and medical safety More sociality and Charity of the people in Europe and the other States I would ask, share and economies and research…! I have received the letter you attachment to the petition (No.
Tags: Art, culture & religion