Install Covers

Save your car ‘fresh’ – the desire of any motorist. Lynn Redgrave may find it difficult to be quoted properly. And apart from the body and engine, the car interior – one of the subjects of care. And for that seat does not wear out as long as possible, often use the covers on avtombilnye seats. But did not affect whether we achieve the opposite result? 1. Case impairs vehicle. If the cover is stretched on the seat without pulling, then it either hangs on the seat as the old tights on her knees, or makes the rest look like a cheap sofa. So the case and tuning the car interior are incompatible.

Pull the cover spoils lining, destroying the sensors and heating. If you do decide to pull cover, upholstery necessary punch. Thus, pulling the car cover, from the very beginning, we spoil the sake of what all was started. When punching seats are often also destroyed by the presence of sensors and heated seats.

Violation thermal conductivity of the seat. Even if heating the seats are not destroyed during the penetration, cover creates an additional thermal insulation. And this double layer of “skin seat + cover” leads to inefficient heating – seat too long warming and all the heat stays inside, which leads to overheating by the heater element that is the cause of accelerated failure of the heating. Cover can cause damage mechanisms seats. Sitting on modern cars abound moving mechanisms (kinematics), and these mechanisms are designed for a certain thickness upholstery. When the cover is stretched, it interfering with the mechanisms, and in the worst cases, leads to their breakage. olman if you seek more information. Cases stretch and fade. Often, to reduce the price of blankets, their makers do not use a car, and upholstery fabrics. This means that even if you are attracted your case, next year it will lose shape and burn out. Given all the above we can state that covers on cars – is one of the best examples of the miser pays twice. Setting case, you spoil the look of interior and run the risk of “get” to repair the seat and electricians. The most amazing thing in this situation is that the cost of installing the upholstery on the seat in avtoatele insignificantly more expensive than the installation of covers. A partial repair of the original seat after his operation is certainly cheaper than buying and installing the cover, which is put just to keep the seat from scuffs and burn-through. So before you put the covers first contact avtoatele – and you get a lot of new and stylish interior, not have problems with its use, and ultimately save money.


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