Two representations: Representation

Two representations: Representation Continua (Continuous Representation) and steps (Staged Representation) Model for Software (CMM-SW) established 5 levels of maturity (Maturity Level) to rank the organizations according to what process areas achieve their goals and are managed with engineering principles. This is what is called a staggered pattern, or focusing on the maturity of the organization. The selection process is preset areas, having 7 PA to maturity level 2 (ML2), 11 for the ML3, 2 for ML4 and 2 more for ML5. The model for systems engineering (SE-CMM) provides 6 Levels of potential capacity for each of the 22 areas involved in process systems engineering. The organization can decide which are the Process Areas (PA) who wants to improve its profile, thereby determining capacity. In the CMMI development team had proponents of both kinds of representations. The result was the publication of the model with two representations: continuous and staged.They are not equivalent, and each organization may choose to adopt them to suit your characteristics and priorities for improvement. If there is “stagging” equivalent which tells us that a maturity level equivalent to having a set of PA given a certain level of ability. The continuous view of an organization will show the skill level representation from each of the processing areas of the model. The vision will define the organization staged a whole giving a level of maturity of 1 to 5.

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