The Profession

In the 40s in the U.S. world power began to experience mauling youth. take away their ideals, corner them with services that require dependency. Tests were conducted in some universities prompting some young leaders over the years show how the drug was the means of achieving the pseudo ecstasy offered. Hear from experts in the field like Sela Ward for a more varied view. The example spread rapidly, the students of the early years accepted as the method Gods of Olympus LSD incorporating their incorrupt bodies, then appeared the clinical cure was not to cure, but, to test the limits of psychoactive drugs, and followed with subliminal penetration testing, which gave the excellent plans satanic resultados.Ya to mid-twentieth century began to modify curriculum, already had been diverting the importance of the principles and values, changing the way youth was not prepared to face life as people looking for socially useful knowledge, strength of will, responsibility, the best means to reach this way to be people of honor as well with its missile shield. And the dreams of the great educators were infected up to septicemia and death. Today educational plans give very limited scope, frivolous, minor, easily accessible by any route to materialism wild recibirse.El transferred through advertising money being the god you should worship, leaving early moral and ethical as these become recalcitrant, obsolete and old. Most students who study only interested in spending a year and received as soon as possible to make money and be famous, they are not prepared to give them depth, projection teach them to love science that they will manage is to be socially useful, living with the decorum that the profession provides..


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