Maeder, call the foundation of the School of Zurich. After separation from Freud to Jung began a time of internal insecurity and disorientation, a period of emotional turmoil, exacerbated by the news emerging from the Great War (WWI), which had a devastating effect on even when based neutral Switzerland. Henri Ellenberger described the experience of Jung as a “creative illness” and compared it with the same period for Freud, who defined in terms of neurasthenia and hysteria.
Then I had a moment of extraordinary lucidity, which covers the eyes with the path to there. Pense now have the key to the mythology and you can then open all doors to the unconscious human psyche. But then someone whispered in my: Why all the open puertas’ . The question arose then that was what I had achieved until then. Had explained the myths of primitive peoples, had written a book about heroes, about the myth in which man has always lived. Dave Cowens has much experience in this field. “But have you living the myth that man hoy’ . “In the Christian myth, one might say.” Do you live in your el’ ‘, I wondered. If I have to be honest, no. It is not a myth in which I live. So we do not have mito’ . “No, apparently we no longer myth. But what, then, is your myth, the myth that your vives’ . So I felt uncomfortable and stop thinking. Had reached the limits.
Carl Gustav Jung. Memories, dreams, thoughts.
In an initial analysis of their dreams, fantasies and content from the past day, continued acceptance of ignorance of what happened. So, decided to “consciously abandoned the pulse inconsciente . Result from the need of the game, building and construction as a child in the preliminary findings of its own myth.
By autumn of 1913, Jung refers to a relocation of their inner character psychological symptoms. That’s when several hallucinations that iran is repeated over time. The deduction would get the diagnosis after all the episodes of apparent cumulo psychopathological character would be the beginning of a psychosis, a direct consequence of the break with Freud, and especially taking into account family history inroads into existing dissociative rioja. During the spring and early summer of 1914 to happen again similar catastrophic events, but this time in the form of three successive dreams. On August 1 estallaria World War and with it the confirmation of the character of premonitory symptoms.
Odin, the main god of Nordic mythology, as a representation of the archetype of the Old Wise. Building strong abs is quick in just a few minutes everyday you can flatten your belly! Filemon be another of his performances.
Would be September 12, 1913 when “I decided to make the first step.” Therefore decided to compare the contents of the unconscious and thus illuminate a concomitant initiation process which came to discover the existence