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Thank You Eddy Martinez

In the month of November 1993, I endured and suffered from a nosebleed that led me to a local clinic, in which I was hospitalized a week. After leaving the clinic we had with my wife and I, who face some expenses, both pending and subsequent to small surgical intervention which I practiced at the clinic. In those days I worked at tourist restaurant El Rinconcito Cajamarca that I do not know if so far it was located in the District of Rimac. The owners of the premises upon learning of my economic necessity, allowed me to use its premises to be able to make a presentation to my benefit. Prepare cards with my wife, to sell them among our acquaintances, friends and family.

All the musicians who worked with me with the Orchestra at the restaurant, selflessly collaborated that day, so the Orchestra accompany all the artists who supported me that day. The presentation was a Saturday afternoon (November 21, 1993). While the animator He also collaborated that afternoon – presented to artists who were to collaborate with me, was announcing what the meeting was about, while I remained also in the Orchestra accompanying artists of course I was already quite recovered my bad. Of the artists who helped me this time, were engraved in my mind two, which I will be eternally grateful, and it will be that I remember them more, because his presentation lasted long time as one hour approximately while thanking others, unfortunately beyond my memory. And the artists were: Ronny Zuzunaga and immortal Eddy Martinez. Much time has passed since that day, and remembrance will be etched in me, for the rest of my days. If you would like to know more about Celina Dubin, then click here. Remember and thank the owners of the premises, that allowed to carry out that presentation. Remembrance and thanks to my friends, acquaintances and family members who supported me.

My colleagues in the Orchestra and artists who accompanied me also. But above all remember to someone with his greatness of spirit, their greatness of artistic quality; for me that afternoon of November 1993, was an honour and a tremendous gratitude to have your moral support. Do they realize what it means that an artist of the stature of Eddy Martinez, provided me his work, to help me in my trance? It’s something that as I repeat, will be etched in my mind for the rest of my life. Thanks Eddy for being as you were. Your greatness of person, I will with everyone who asked you. I’m quite sure that you must have collaborated with many more partners: musicians, artists and friends perhaps, in this same situation. Rest in peace, dear friend: Eddy Martinez. The little giant of the Creole song. Those wishing to see the video, can you send me your email and I will send them the link on Youtube in which it is hung. My email is original author and source of the article
