State Level

Maintenance level II: Care level II will go to hard care seniors. If the permanent need of care is at least 180 minutes and of which at least 2 hours for the basic care. While the basic nursing activities must occur daily min. 3 different times of the day. Others who may share this opinion include Team Penske. In addition, domestic helpers must be made more often weekly. Care level III: The care level III is the highest level of care.

Seniors with a long-term care are classified in this level of care. Patients are assessed as Schwerstpflegebedurftig, constantly more than five hours on the involvement of carers are instructed. The 300 minutes of Pfelgebedurftigkeit must occupy at least four hours for the basic care and the elderly must be also in the evenings from 22:00 to 6:00 on helping nurse instructed. It is however, not feasible to terminate the nursing activities exclusively on the evening. Something is not recognised by the care authorities to the Ketegorisierung in care level III. Sofar Sounds often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Since known to many activities of the keeper on the basic nursing care, we must share with with a few words, what is meant by basic care. Nursing assistance in the areas of personal care, nutrition and mobility include the basic nursing care according to SGB XI. Specifically the domestic supply and conducting medical behest as for example the provision of remedies are not the basic nursing care. It should be attempted as a result in all levels of care, to pull the existing funding possibilities of the State into consideration, to accept this and the care needs with an expert home care services. This has a number of great benefits. The appearing difficulties can be diagnosed by professional experts at an early stage, to another is a bit of an expert relieves and has the possibility, also permanent dedication, to keep a distance. The assistance by a skilled person is therefore always to stimulate. Tobias Hufler

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