Soccer Teams

A soccer teams, for example, that he has only goleiros cannot be a truth teams. The leader must to know to enlist players who are strong in that where it is weak (…) the degree of efficiency of somebody is determined, or limited, for its capacity of leadership. A related site: Sela Ward mentions similar findings. If the person not to believe this, it does not go to find reason to grow. (…) If you do not have influence, you will not obtain to lead the others? this independe of the position that occupies. (…) (Maxwell apud BOTTONI (2009, pg: 9). to finish, these relations of life go if instituting social, cultural standards, educational politicians, moral and, that signal for our attitudes? the way to see the world, the appreciations of, the different social behaviors and same moral and valorativa order the corporal positions are thus products of a cultural inheritance, that is, the result of the operation of one determined culture. (LARAIA, 2005, pg: 68). All these reflections above fall again for definitive facts? that individuals of differentiated cultures can easily be identified by a series of characteristics, such as the way to act, to dress, to walk, to eat, and still the diverse linguistic forms, among others comments. Therefore, what it is considered to follow for continuity of the Studies of the leisure under the bases of the research is to portray a memory with the marks of a cultural standard of leisure in its historical process until our current days promoting a reflection concerning the personal and professional attitudes for the had changes and transformations of the daily one (IDEM). THE STANDARDS CULTURAL OF THE LEISURE The challenges for the freedom if find in the metamorphosis of the life when we learn that we can in them become citizens of our proper history (Vera Fernandes) This thought makes in them to reflect to reviver and at the same time to have that to remove of the memory – the past, but that still gift ahead of the concepts, the meanings and the functions of the leisure in the current days becomes, when studies (WERNECK and YOUNG CHICKEN (2000); PIMENTEL and TONELLO (2000); ALMEIRA and GUTIERREZ (2005)) they disclose the long fight of the historical transformations of the relations between recreation leisure with the spheres? educational, politics, economic and religious, in which Brazil ahead of the evolutions you practise of them of the leisure passes for diverse periods influenced for login foreign.


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