Pay TV also takes in Germany, an increasingly important role since then to more than one provider are seriously committed to the German market, however, found the winner here, as everywhere, the competition also boosts the business. How then can I personally benefit from this competition Arena is offered only for a short time, however, has the Exclusive rights to the 1st and 2 Bundesliga secured. Here are some games live and in full with everything your heart desires. The focus of Arena is the fun of the game and it is trying to do everything better than Premiere, which have kaputtgeredet from the perspective of managing director Dejan Jocic many games. Premiere, however, has not disappeared entirely from the market, they have the right at the pinnacle of football, the Champions League. This jewel is Presented in the usual quality of Premiere, good presenters, and a competent reporting. Crucial to the premiere of confidence in is the new IPTV, IPTV has been in collaboration with Telekom for live broadcasts of the 1st and 2Bundesliga created over the Internet, here was a new step and it remains to be seen whether it is accepted by the fans. Who is mainly via the Internett Informs should become familiar with the offer of Premiere. Arena is Inveterate fans a must. However, those who have always been with the information from the free TV was satisfied should continue to rely on the private and public television stations. Here are the ARD, ZDF and DSF, the most popular channels, they report on Saturday evening but not before 18:30.