Later Identity

They can serve as a species of therapy, in the direction to have a revelation of the adolescents of feelings that in other cases would be restrained. They also provide a certainty of that the adolescent is not alone in what she is passing. The group of adolescents the adolescence is the period that precedes the adult life, where is not more child. In this phase, the adolescent is to the search of ' ' Eu' ' , in the others. Therefore it occurs identification with people of determined social group. Although the construction of the identity if gives since the beginning of the life, it is in the adolescence of the individual that it defines itself, if directs for a profile more concrete, making with that this experience finishes if becoming a main element in the life adolescent it.

The identity if organizes for identifications, at the beginning is with the father or mother, later the individual passes if to identify with other familiar ones, and finally she becomes related with professors, dolos, friends, with the society in general. ' ' In the initial adolescence, the identity if structure as one ' ' bedspread of retalhos' ' , in which each remnant is one? piece? of somebody, becoming difficult to know with? who? we are talking at the moment Later occurs one? amalgam? where some experiences of identification if? they establish. This is a slow and difficult process, as much for the adolescent as for the adults who coexist ele' ' (OUTEIRAL, 2003, p.63). To the measure that happens development, the adolescent goes if disconnect of the parents to become little immature dependent and, having relations with people is of the familiar context. The group of adolescent is the first step for the search of the identity and this perhaps, either the most important aspect. In accordance with Conger (1980), the influence exerted for the friends in the phase of the adolescence is especially critical.


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