Name: Clemente Mart nez Mirena plastic formation: self Studies: Lic.Arts: Dimension Museology Experience in the area of Teaching in visual arts: Vacation Planning Coordinator University of Valencia from 2005 to 2008 These plans were oriented Vacation integral formation of children and teen through Trallero of creation and participation in the arts specifically in the fine arts, ceramics, music, dance and theater. Painting and drawing professor at the Center Pilot child Lu s Eduardo Chavez: Ateneo de Valencia Professor of drawing and painting children at the Center for the Arts Kids Integral School of Art Arturo Michelena Experience in the area of Museums Teaching Guide Ateneo de Valencia 1993 – 2000 Museum Coordinator Ateneo de Valencia, 2002 to present. Experience in the field of Museology 2008. The snake is killed by the Head. Juan Carlos Urrutia, Halls 1, 2 and 3 Ateneo de Valencia 2008. notes for a landscape. Evening of the 8th St. Lucia. Collective. Maracaibo, Barrio Santa Lucia 2008. Life blank. Fatima Mendoza, alternative spaces, Ateneo de Valencia 2007. 1m Square. Collectively, Ateneo de Guacara 2007. National Exhibition of Arts of Fire. Collective Gallery Universitaria Braulio Salazar 2007. Coordinates. Collective, Boards 4,5 and 6. Ateneo de Valencia 2007. Toys and clutter objects. Collective, Chambers 1, 2 and 3 Ateneo de Valencia 2006. Moorings and flashes. Artists Carabobe o. Halls 1, 2 and 3 Ateneo de Valencia 2006. A post by Alzheimer’s. Collectively, IPCS A S.Diario el Carabobe o Curriculun as a visual artist Solo shows 2006 Green Eladio German Cultural Center Sucre, El Carabobe o Valencia Fragments 2003. Alliance Fran aise Valencia, Edo Carabobo 2002 Solo Exhibition “Forest errant” Alternative Space, University of Valencia. 2001 Individual exhibition “Open Studio”, Workshop Create 10.Fundaci n the Flame. Caracas Group Exhibitions 2008 Hall of Art Yaracuy. Carmelo Fern ndez Museum 2007 1 st drawing room Cojedes 2007 2ND Visual Arts Hall of Demetrius Smith. Airport Cojedes. 2006 31 Hall Aragua. Museum of Contemporary Art Mario Abreu, Maracay. 2006 I National Baseball Hall, CC Sambil Valencia, Carabobo 2005 Bienal de Arte de Puerto la Cruz. Edo Anzo tegui. 2005 31 Hall Aragua. MACM. Maracay Edo Aragua 2005 ‘gerund “Executives Association of Carabobo, Valencia 2005 National Biennial of Art of Puerto la Cruz, Edo. Anzo tegui 2005 Hall National Art Juan Lovera, Caracas Arturo Michelena 2004 62 Hall, Ateneo de Valencia. Edo Carabobo 2004 -2003 – 1999 – 1998 – National Exhibition of Art Aragua Municipal Art Salon 2004 in Maracay. Edo Aragua. 2003 61 Hall Arturo Michelena. Ateneo de Valencia. 2003 28 Hall Aragua. Museum of Contemporary Art Mario Abreu, Maracay. 2003 24 Municipal Salon of Painting.