Chat Function

As many mothers can chat with each other new feature for the mommy Web-user in the group. Mommy Web there are groups like moms under 30″, become pregnant for everyone”, Berlin moms “and many more. The new chat feature was introduced on request of mommy Web members. Author can aid you in your search for knowledge. Although the user had the possibility, be exchanged via integrated Messenger with each other, but is this limited to two people. Now, as many mothers can within a group (and who want to be there) chat on the topic of the Group share. “This still is not enough: in addition to the group chat, there is also the Group of official Mami Web chat”, every user can join and where there is the official MOM Web chat room. There at random all issues will be discussed, and contacts to other mums can be made. The Group has already over a thousand members, and the number of participating members is growing rapidly.

Last but not least due to the constant development of new functions Mommy Web confidence more and more mothers and that it want to be. Since the inception of mommy Web in the summer of 2007 over 75,000 mothers and expectant mothers have joined the network, so Mommy Web is the biggest special interest community for mothers throughout the German-speaking area. Press contact: Mami-Web GmbH Valerie Dietrich Arnsburger road 58 c / d-60385 Frankfurt am Main tel: (069) 489 81 66 – 0 E-Mail: Web: about Mommy Web (,, Mommy Web is a fast-growing free special interest network for mothers and who want to be there, on the issues around the pregnant, children and family are discussed. Mommy Web is the place on the Internet where mothers and expectant mothers can ask questions, get tips from other moms or meet just nice moms from the regional environment. Mommy Web man / woman finds out what you can to do with kids, and there is the possibility to give up listings (E.g. offer children’s clothing”, want to find new friends, etc.). In more than 1,500 Mommy Web groups on a variety of topics – and Interessnesgebieten, our mothers create friendships that extend beyond the Internet. Also, there is Mommy Web Magazine by daily new articles from the field of child, family, and pregnancy. Also, photo albums can be created and sent in a simple way. Mommy Web be the questions of proper nutrition, maternity, pregnancy and birth. “” “Be in Mommy Web Magazine article to caesarean section”, become pregnant”childhood diseases” and many other interesting things written.

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