How many pupils had gained money and used for its academic formation, as considered the municipal government? How many pupils had used its notebooks in educational tasks, as considered the state government? Few, well rare can be said. The fact is that beyond contributing only with the reduction of the reprovao numbers, we mold citizens that only think about the awarding and not about the preparation for a better future. Without counting in the disparity between the individuals that divide the same surrounding, therefore the ones that had reached success in the awardings if differentiate of that if they had strengthenn and ' ' falharam' '. But what we see here it are is that nor always who is approved possesss more knowledge of what the disapproved ones, the system still is very defective in this question. It is concluded then that it is thought very about avaliativas reforms and not in a concrete educational reform in which we would use to advantage the simplest knowledge of the said pupils inapt, therefore, exactly the best ones, need the perpetual exchange of life experience. In the hour to educate a child it reflects on what it is better: to educate or to compensate? But it always has in mind that the child of today can be the professor of tomorrow. What you wait that it teaches? ' ' I make with my friends what I make with my books. I keep them I can find where them, but rare utilizo.' ' Ralph Emerson References:. .
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